Lively Lore & Legends Bus Tour 2022

Looking for a fulfilling volunteer opportunity? Love history and the Farmington Valley?

The Farmington Valley CT Heritage Network is looking for a motivated, dedicated, and energetic volunteer to take on the responsibilities detailed below.

The long-standing volunteer head of the Farmington Valley CT Heritage Network is retiring and relocating out west. The member sites of the group will be sharing some of the responsibilities formerly under her purview, and seek a new volunteer to take on other responsibilities. The new volunteer will coordinate closely with all group members, who are there to support him or her. The retiring volunteer is available to answer questions and help with the transition as much as possible.

The following are the qualities we seek in our new volunteer:

  • An organized, detail-oriented person

  • Someone comfortable in a leadership position, who is trustworthy and responsible, and doesn’t need a lot of supervision

  • A collaborative, easy-going personality

  • Comfortable with basic technology (can use the group’s PC laptop, can Zoom, email, use Google docs, Word and similar programs)

  • Preferably someone passionate about history and who enjoys like-minded people

The following are some of the tasks the new volunteer will fulfill:

  • Be the central contact for the group: check designated email, respond or forward to the appropriate member, respond to tour and lecture inquiries, etc.

  • Organize and distribute yearly meeting schedule (meetings are once a month except August; each member site signs up to host one meeting)

  • Keep and organize copies of all meeting documents, committee contact information, and other FVHN information (as a central “hub”)

  • Take the lead and participate in tasks for lectures and bus tours (a detailed outline of tasks will be provided)

  • Other tasks as needed by the group

Interested in learning more? Email Paul Hart at

Visit our member sites - eleven historic sites all within the Farmington Valley. For individual addresses, directions and hours, see our member pages.